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雅思口语Part One思路解析:Friends 朋友 朋友这个话题在Part One考到的频率中等,但大家切 […]


雅思口语Part One思路解析:Friends 朋友

朋友这个话题在Part One考到的频率中等,但大家切不可以掉以轻心。虽然整体的频率是中等,但大家只要考到了,那概率就是100%。

Do you remember your friends in primary school? Why?


No, I do not. When I got into secondary school, my family moved to another city. Back to then, the internet was not very developed and cellphone was still rare. It was very difficult to keep in touch. So my primary classmates gradually faded away from my memory.

What do you do with friends?


All kinds of things. Together, we play computer games, play badminton, go swimming, have dinner and study. Basically, except dating with my girlfriend, I am willing to do everything with my friends.大家这里也可以说的更积极向上一些,聊聊教授朋友知识的一些事情。

How do you make friends?


Most of my friends are my classmates. But there are also some who I get to know from interest groups, like the photography society in my university. As we share the same hobby, it is easy to start a conversation and become familiar with each other. 交朋友的详细扩展大家可以参考下《结交的新朋友》这篇文章。

Do you have many friends?


I would say no. I am not a very sociable person. This article is from laokaoya website. I would like to spend my time with some close friends rather than making new ones, which sometimes consumes my energy and makes me exhausted.

Do you like chatting with friends online?


No, I prefer face-to-face interactions. Chatting online is convenient. But I cannot see the body languages and facial expressions of my friends, which can sometimes result in misunderstanding. Also, spending too much time chatting on line makes me less willing to hang out with them in reality.


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