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雅思口语Part One思路解析:Computer  关于电脑 这类题属于科技类的话题卡,雅思口语考官问题相关 […]


雅思口语Part One思路解析:Computer  关于电脑

这类题属于科技类的话题卡,雅思口语考官问题相关的问题的频次相对来说不是特别的高,但是假如谈到了,你总得有些东西可以扯点儿对吧? 咱们来看看考官都会问道哪一些问题 跟老烤鸭一起来分析分析

How often do you use computer?


I use computer nearly every day. I often watch some American TV shows on Youku, which is a very popular youtube like video sharing platform. Also, if I need to hand in some paper to my professor, I will use the computer to type it out.


What kinds of computers are popular in China?


Nowadays, it seems that laptop is the most popular computer in China, especially in those youngsters on campus. They often use it as a tool to help them with their studies and for entertainment as well.


What do you usually use your computer for?


As I said, I nearly use it every day to finish my homework. And, apart from that, I will just watch some TV shows downloaded from some websites on the computer, because it’s convenient.


Who taught you how to use a computer?


It was my father who taught me how to use a computer back in the second year of my primary school. He taught me how to right click the mouse to check the files, and how to surf on the Internet. You know, I really appreciate my father’s help at that time.

当然说网上冲浪(Internet Surfing), 我们不得不准备Describe a website you like to visitinternet.

Do you think computers have changed your life a lot?


Yes, I think computers have definitely brought us a huge change to our lives. You know, in the past, we often send postcards to express our best wishes to our friends far away from us, but now we can just handle it by just using the electronic ones and make sure they can get it within several seconds in every corner of the world.

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雅思口语Part One思路解析:Computer  电脑:等您坐沙发呢!


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