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2019年6月29日雅思考试答案 大陆卷 今天是6月份的最后一场考试,激动人心的暑假马上就开始了。可能是为了让 […]


2019年6月29日雅思考试答案 大陆卷




Section 1 托儿所咨询


1-10 填空

1. short day’s expenses fee: 37.50 for under 2 years old 两岁以下的孩子是37.5

2. 20 hours for free caring 免费照顾20小时

3. children can enjoy outdoor activities on a playground 孩子能在操场上进行户外活动

4. all teachers in this center have teaching experience in a primary school 该中心所有的老师都有小学教育的经验

5. parents asked that the other center has a weekly report 另外一个中心有每周报告

6. the earliest month can join is September 最早能入园的时间是9月份

7. other stuff need to bring by themselves: apron and sunglasses 其他需要自己携带的物品是围裙和太阳镜

8. they should also bring a family photo 也要带家庭照片

9. need a medical certificate from a doctor 需要医生开具的医疗证明

10. the center’s address: Calliope Road 中心的地址

Section 2 天空塔旅游


11-14 选择

11. after the tour we should meet at 在游览之后,我们在入口后面见面

C. back of the entrance 在游览之后,我们在入口后面见面

12. when it is a good day, what can we see in the most distant?

B. a hill 如果天气很好的话,最远处可以看到山峰

13. people like to use the tower as a?

C. landmark 人们喜欢将天空塔作为地标

14. what is the tower used as originally?

B. communication center 天空塔最早被用于作为交流中心

15-20 地图

15. from the glass floor 从玻璃地板

16. you can have your meals and rest in the restaurant. Outdoor you can see an art gallery 在户外可以参观画廊

17-18. the weather information and indoor restaurant 天气信息与户内餐厅

19. a post office because you can buy postcards and send to your families 在邮局可以买明信片并寄给家人

20. a cinema 电影院

Section 3 答案暂缺

Section 4 塑料生产


31-40 填空

31. People use cotton and acid to produce plastic 人们使用棉花和酸来生产塑料

32. Plastic is commonly found on products such as detergent bottles, milk jugs 塑料被广泛用于洗涤剂瓶子、牛奶罐等产品

33. It is used to produce artificial silk 它被用于生产人造丝绸

34. Cellulose is not like real plastic because it becomes hard when heated XXX不像是真正的塑料,因为它加热的时候会变硬

35. The first plastic was invented in a laboratory 最初的塑料是在实验室里发明的

36. A chemist named Alexander Parker developed it 一位叫做Alexander Parker的人发明了它

37. Plastic can be produced by collecting recycled pens 塑料可以通过收集回收的笔来制作

38. One disadvantage is that plastic produces gas when it is burnt 一项缺点是塑料燃烧的时候会放出气体

39. Research has shown that plastic decomposes by the light 研究表明塑料会被光照分解

40. Natural wood no longer has a stranglehold on rubber products 自然界的树木不再是橡胶生产的限制


2019年5-8月雅思口语题库 雅思口语part1答案

2019年5-8月雅思口语题库 雅思口语part2答案








Some people claim that many things that children are taught at school are a waste of time. Other people argue that everything study at school is useful at some time. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.


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2019年6月29日雅思考试答案 大陆卷:等您坐沙发呢!


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