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雅思口语Part One思路解析:Magazine 杂志 阅读相关的话题一直都是雅思口语很喜欢考察的内容。大家 […]


雅思口语Part One思路解析:Magazine 杂志


Do you read magazines?


Yes, I do. My reading list includes Chinese News, Phoenix Weekly, and Nanfang Weekly. All of them focus on current economic and political affairs, which enable me to have a better understanding of the world.

Do younger people or older people prefer to read magazines?


From my experience, youngsters read more magazines. This is probably because they have more time and are curious about how the world works, while older people spend most of their time making money to support the family.

Have ever read online magazines?


Yes, I have. They are cheaper and more up-to-date than paper magazines. With the prevalence of internet and various portable devices, such as smartphones, ipad, and laptop, I can basically read them everywhere.

Did you read magazines when you were young?


Yes, I did. Back to high school. I was quite into Mengya, a weekly magazine concentrating on literature. Every time it came out, I rushed to the post office to buy one.

What kinds of magazines are popular in your country?


I suppose it would be the entertainment magazines. After all, they are easy to read than political or economic magazines. They are also a good way to kill time when you are bored.

与杂志相关的口语话题卡Describe  a magazine that you like考官也会考到。

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