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雅思口语Part1范文答案解析:Countryside 郊外/郊区 Have you ever lived i […]


雅思口语Part1范文答案解析:Countryside 郊外/郊区

Have you ever lived in the countryside? 你曾经在郊区住过吗?

Yes, I have. I spent my whole childhood in the countryside with my grandma. Back then, my parents were both occupied with their work, which left them little energy to take good care of me. So they sent me to my grandma living in the countryside and asked her to look after me. In fact, I did not return to the city until I went to primary school.


Do you enjoy living in the countryside? 你喜欢在郊区住吗?

When I was a child, I did love living there. There were so many wonderful things, such as various livestock, crop fields, huge trees, the fresh air, and the clear sky. But now,  I find life in the countryside is a little inconvenient. I have to drive a long way to reach the supermarket and the infrastructures are not well-developed.


Will you live in the countryside in the future? 未来你会在郊区住吗?

There is a chance. Maybe one day, I will be fed up with the city, get tired of the fast-pace life and bustling crowds everywhere. Then I would go to the peaceful countryside, buy a small house, and grow some food by myself. Hopefully, I can still gain access to high-speed internet and the convenient online shopping by then.


What do you usually do in the countryside? 你在郊区一般做什么?

Basically, getting close to nature. I would help my grandma with some farm work, you know, plowing, watering, and harvesting. I would also pick some home-grown vegetables to cook dinner. It is a good way to get rid of my busy schedule and relax.



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雅思口语Part1范文答案解析:Countryside 郊外/郊区:等您坐沙发呢!


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