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雅思G类书信写作范文 写信请朋友翻译文件 You should spend about 20 minutes […]


雅思G类书信写作范文 写信请朋友翻译文件

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.


You have received an important document that needs to be translated. Write a letter to your friend and ask him/her to translate this important document for you.


In your letter, explain:


  • why it is important for you 为什么这份文件对你来说很重要
  • how fast you need it back 多久你需要它
  • why you need his/her expertise 为什么你需要他/她的帮助

You should write at least 150 words.


You do NOT need to write any addresses. 你不需要写任何地址

Begin your letter as follows:

Dear ………,


Dear Lee,

Hope you and your parents are doing excellent. I am sorry that I have not been in touch with you for the last couple of weeks. Even if I have not written to you for a while, you are always in my thoughts and prayer. I am writing to you today because I need your expertise to translate some important documents for me.


You would be glad to know that my application has been accepted by the Wuhan University in China and if things go as planned, I will join the university next summer for my Master’s degree. This article is from Laokaoya webiste. They have sent me some documents which are in the Chinese language and I need your help with that. You are the best person to assist me and this is really crucial for me to get admitted to this University. Without the proper translation of the documents, I will not be able to respond precisely to them.


I am sending xerox copies of these documents, three documents with 7 pages in total, and would really appreciate if you can send them before 10th December. I could use Google Translate to interpret the texts but you know there are always glitches in this technology as some meanings are lost in translation! Your excellent skills in English and Chinese makes you the most suitable person to translate those documents for me. I owe you a big one.


Take care and write me back whenever possible.


Warm wishes,


雅思G类书信写作范文 写信邀请朋友去音乐会


本文固定链接: http://www.laokaoya.com/15698.html | 老烤鸭雅思-专注雅思备考

雅思G类书信写作范文 写信请朋友翻译文件:等您坐沙发呢!


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