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雅思口语Part 3: Is it necessary for everyone to learn swimm […]

雅思口语Part 3: Is it necessary for everyone to learn swimming? 人们有必要学习游泳吗?


Yea, it is quite essential for all of us. Because swimming is a perfect way to help us stay in shape and reduce pressure. Once you keep swimming, then you won’t worry about your health condition, which is quite important for doing anything you wish. I guess Tian Liang, who was a famous swimmer, could be a perfect example for us. He is now an up and coming entrepreneur who spares no time in dealing with those business matters, it wouldn’t be quite easy for him if he got little time doing sports like swimming to keep fit.

姊妹题:Do you like any activities on water?

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雅思口语Part 3: Is it necessary for everyone to learn swimming? 人们有必要学习游泳吗?:等您坐沙发呢!


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