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雅思备考之口语PART THREE部分 How to buy private cars in China? 在 […]

雅思备考之口语PART THREE部分 How to buy private cars in China? 在中国怎么买私家车? :shock:



Ways to buy private cars now have been quite varied in China. The most common way of buying a private car is definitely to go to the real 4S stores to have a free ride trial and then just swipe your card. In recent years, because of the booming development of the Internet, we can turn to e-payment like Alipay or Wechat Wallet which is linked to your debit cars or credit cars. I guess these fangled ways of buying cars will become prevalent among Chinese in the future.

在现在的中国,人们购车的方式太多太多了。目前最常见的方式当然就是去4S店里头来次试驾,然后刷卡就行。近些年,因为互联网的飞速发展,我们开始转而使用一些电子支付方式比如和银行卡绑定的支付宝或者微信支付软件。我猜在未来,这些新奇的购买方式会在中国变得越来越普遍。 :idea:

Now, check out this question : What is the difference between men and women’s performance on cars?

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雅思备考之口语PART THREE部分问题 How to buy private cars in China? 在中国怎么买私家车?:等您坐沙发呢!


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