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雅思教育类词汇日积月累 考前必背 今天老烤鸭雅思小编要和大家介绍一下有关教育话题的雅思词汇。这些词汇包括了学校 […]


雅思教育类词汇日积月累 考前必背



与教育机构(Educational Institutions)相关的词汇:

kindergaten = pre=school education 幼儿园

primary school 小学

secondary school 中学

college = further educaion 大学

higher education = university education = tertiary education 高等教育

post-graduate school = university for students studying beyong degree level 研究生教育

与学校科(school subjects)目相关的词汇

maths 数学

langauge 语言

literature 文学

science 科学

  • physics 物理
  • chemistry 化学
  • natrual science 自然科学

geography 地理

religous studies 宗教研究

history 历史

information technology (IT) 信息技术

physical education (PE) 体育

cookery = domestic/food science 烹饪

handicrafts 手工艺

art 艺术

music 音乐


lab work = laboratory experiments 实验室工作

dissection = cutting up animals for scientific research 解刨

scheduled lessons = lessons which are planned and written into a school curriculum 计划课程

algebra = formulas and quations in mathmatics 代数

to give out or assign homework / to do or complete homework 指定作业/完成作业

to complete high school / to graduate high school 完成高中学业

to do, to participate or to take part in school activities or sport 参加学校的活动或者运动

tracing = copying, outlining in pencil 描摹/复制

tone deaf = without an ear for music = unable to appreciate or hear different music and notes 五音不全、分辨不了音调


BA/BSc = Bachelor of Arts Degree / Bachelor of Science Degree   文科学士学位/理科学士学位

MA/MSc = Master of Arts 文科硕士学位

PhD = Doctorate 博士


Certificate = a lower level qualification often offerwed at colleges rather than universities. This is also the word used for documentation received for completing any type of course or degree (She received her certifcate for her BA degree) 证书


Online Course 网络课程

Distance Learnig Course 远程学习课程

Vocational Course = a course which teaches you skills for a specific job, for example engineering. 职业课程

Non-vocational course = a course which is not related to a job but to a general subject instead, such as Biology. 非职业课程-与求职不相关的综合科目,比如生物等。


to graduate from a university = complete a dgree course / to finish university 从大学毕业

to enroll on a degree course = put your name down for a degree course 大学课程注册

to major in physics = to choose physics as your main subject at university 主修物理

to attend a lecture = to go to listen to a speaker at university often with a large audience in a lecture theatre 上课;国外的课程一般都是lecture;研究生多为seminar

to attend a tutorial = to go to a metting with a professor usually in small group held in his/her office 参加辅导课程

deliver a lecture = to give a talk or presentation 发表演讲

to lecture in media studies = to talk about media studies or to teach media studies at university 在传媒专业讲课

the faculty of business = a department specialising in business at university 商业学院

to read history = to study history 学习历史

to do or complete coursework = doing project work or assignments as part of your course 完成课业

undergraduate (n) = someone currently doing their first degree 本科

graduate (n) = someone who has completed a degree course 研究生

note-taking = being able to take notes in a lecture while the lecture is talking 记笔记

keeping up with the work laod = being able to maintain the level of studying required 保持要求的学习水准

fall behind with studies = fail to keep pace with the school / university work  落下课业

University Work 大学中的任务

presentations 展示

lectures 演讲

tutorials 辅导

thesis 论文

dissertation 学位论文

hypothesis 假设

assignment 任务

project work 项目工作

research 研究


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