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Some people say music is like math, do you agree? 一些人说音 […]


Some people say music is like math, do you agree? 一些人说音乐就跟数学一样,你同意吗?雅思口语解析之Part Three

雅思口语考官问的这道题是把数学和音乐做了个比较,你认为是不是一样的。这种问题,基本上考生听到都比较蒙圈,因为。。什么鬼? 音乐和数学? :arrow: 这简直就不在一条线上 :grin:


Well, I don’t quite agree with this kind of saying. I actually didn’t find anything that is combined with math and music. In my mind, they are totally the different things. You know, math is all about logic, which requires us to think in a scientific way. However, what music requires is that we need to be creative to appreciate the beauty the music brings to us.


好了,来来,思考一下这个问题:What effects does technology have on music?

本文固定链接: http://www.laokaoya.com/1734.html | 老烤鸭雅思-专注雅思备考

Some people say music is like math, do you agree? 一些人说音乐就跟数学一样,你同意吗?雅思口语解析:等您坐沙发呢!


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