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雅思口语Part1范文答案解析:Fish/fishing 鱼和钓鱼 与Fish相关的雅思口语Part one话 […]

雅思口语Part1范文答案解析:Fish/fishing 鱼和钓鱼

与Fish相关的雅思口语Part one话题属于当季的口语新题,话题贴近生活,因此难度系数适中。我们从小到大一定品尝过或者体验过钓鱼之类的活动。大家完全可以把自己的亲身经历呈现出来。老烤鸭提醒大家在准备fish相关的P1问题时,也别忘记了同时巩固一下雅思口语鱼类词汇中的基础词汇。


Is fishing popular in your country? 钓鱼在你们国家受欢迎吗?

Yes, fishing is immensely popular in China, particularly among retired individuals. It’s a cherished pastime enjoyed by people of all ages, offering relaxation, friendship, and a connection to nature. Many retirees find solace in fishing, making it a common hobby to spend their leisure time.


Do you like eating fish? 你喜欢吃鱼吗?

Yes, I love it. I actually love fish more than any other meat. You know, fish always tastes more tender than pork or beef, which is a good bite. Also, it is quite nutritious as it contains many vitamins.


Have you ever been to a place where there are lots of fish around you? 你有没有去过很多鱼儿围在你身边的地方?

Yes, I visited a public aquarium in Shanghai, where I was surrounded by a mesmerizing array of fish and aquatic life. This article is from Laokaoya website. It was a captivating experience to witness the vibrant marine ecosystems up close. You know, the diverse species and vibrant colors of the fish were truly awe-inspiring.


Have you seen any movies with lots of fish? 你有没有看过鱼很多的电影?

Yes, I have watched the movie “Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea,” which featured an abundance of aquatic life, including various fish species. The film’s underwater scenes were captivating, showcasing the beauty and mysteries of the deep ocean. It was a cinematic journey into the world beneath the waves, leaving me with a lasting impression of the wonders of marine life.


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Where do you buy fish? 你在哪里买鱼?

I usually go to the grocery store such as Chaoshifa, which is one of the biggest chain stores in Beijing, to get some fresh fish for cooking because it’s near to the place I live, which saves me a lot of time. However, if I want to get some fish cans, I would like to purchase some on JD which is a popular online store in China.


Why do people go fishing? 人们为什么去钓鱼?

Well, I think the reason why people go fishing is that they regard it as a pretty good activity for leisure. You know, this article is from Laokaoya website, when they go fishing alone or with other friends, they would sit near the pond or lake for hours, which is a nice way to kill time. Also, they would feel a sense of achievement when they managed to catch some fish.


Where can you see fish? 你在哪里能看到鱼?

I usually can see the fish in the lake and rivers which are the most common place for them to live. Apart from that, I can also see some fish in the aquariums that are placed in the restaurants.



本文固定链接: http://www.laokaoya.com/25753.html | 老烤鸭雅思-专注雅思备考

雅思口语Part1范文答案解析:Fish 鱼和钓鱼:等您坐沙发呢!


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