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雅思口语Part1范文答案解析:Park 公园 与公园相关的雅思口语话题经常出现在口语考试的第二部分以及第三部 […]

雅思口语Part1范文答案解析:Park 公园


Do you prefer natural parks or amusement parks? 你喜欢自然风景的公园还是游乐场呢?

I prefer amusement parks over natural parks. I think it’s probably because I enjoy the creational activities in the amusement parks quite a lot, for example, the roller coaster, which really brings me fun and excitement. Well, the natural parks only allow me to see the natural sceneries such as the green trees which are good to the eyes but they are not my cup of tea.


Do you think people like going to parks? 你觉得人们喜欢去公园吗?

Yes, I think they do love visiting the parks. As we can see, almost all parks are filled with visitors during the weekends. This article is from Laokaoya website. They really want to get rid of the office or teaching buildings and to have a place to relax with their family or friends. And, parks are ideal places for them to have some quality time with others. So, I think they enjoy being there.


What activities can be done in the park? 在公园可以进行什么活动呢?

There’re are tons of activities visitors can do in the park. For instance, there’s usually a skiing activity for them to do at most parks that have lakes in the northern part of China during the winter season. Also, people can have some running in the morning or during the evening to keep fit because parks usually have better air quality.


Do you often go to a park? 你经常去公园吗?

No, not really. I have lots of assignments to do during the weekends and the weekdays. So, I got very limited chances of being there. I remember the last time I went to a park was actually two months ago with my parents.



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雅思口语Part1范文答案解析:Park 公园:等您坐沙发呢!


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