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剑桥雅思4 Test 4阅读Passage 3答案解析 医疗资源不足的问题 the problem of sc […]

剑桥雅思4 Test 4阅读Passage 3答案解析 医疗资源不足的问题 the problem of scarce resources

剑桥雅思4第四套题目阅读第三篇文章对应的13道题目由4道段落标题匹配,4道时间段匹配,以及5道YES/NO/NOT GIVEN构成,单从题目类型上来看,难度很大,具有不小的挑战性。因此,大家如果做的不好的话也不用伤心,好好总结错误的原因,继续下一篇就好。


雅思真题阅读词汇 剑桥雅思4 test 4 passage 3 医疗资源

剑桥雅思4 Test 4阅读Passage 3原文翻译 医疗资源稀缺的问题

剑4 Test 4 Passage 3阅读答案解析


对应原文:A部分:The problem of how health-care resources should be allocated or apportioned … Every health system in an economically developed society is faced with the need to decide (either formally or informally)

解析:题干中的problem指的就是阅读原文一开始提到的医疗资源如何分配的问题。而every economically developed country又在这部分原词出现,因此确定答案为iv


对应原文:C部分:people have a basic right to health-care as a necessary condition of a proper human life. Like education, political and legal processes and institutions, public order, communication, transport and money supply, health-care came to be seen as one of the fundamental social facilities necessary for people to exercise their other rights as autonomous human beings.



对应原文:D部分:It is also accepted that this right generates an obligation or duty for the state to ensure that adequate health-care resources are provided out of the public purse



对应原文:E部分:Just at the time when it became obvious that health-care resources…The second set of more specific changes that have led to the present concern…



对应原文:B部分: Thus, in the 1950s and 1960s …The new consciousness that there were also severe limits to health-care resources was part of this general revelation of the obvious.



对应原文:E部分: Thus in OECD countries as a whole, health costs increased from 3.8% of GDP in 1960 to 7% of GDP in 1980



对应原文:B部分:after the 1939-45 World War, it was assumed without question that all the basic health needs of any community could be satisfied, at least in principle; the ‘invisible hand’ of economic progress would provide.

解析:根据题干中community, economic growth等词定位到B段的最后一句。文中明确说明是在1939-45之后,因此确定答案为A


对应原文:D部分:by the late 1970s…It is also accepted that this right generates an obligation or duty for the state to ensure that adequate health-care resources are provided out of the public purse.

解析:根据题干中国家的作用这一内容定位到D部分,找到上述句子,从此往前找,发现by the late 1970s这一时间点,即20世纪70年代之前,尤其确定答案为B


对应原文:C部分:In the same way, basic health-care is a condition of the exercise of autonomy.

解析:文中含义为基本的医疗保健是实行自主权利的条件。可见题干中说说的personal liberty和independence与health-care是存在直接关系的,因此判断为NO


对应原文:C部分:However, at exactly the same time as this new realisation of the finite character of health-care resources was sinking in, an awareness of a contrary kind was developing in Western societies: that people have a basic right to health-care as a necessary condition of a proper human life

解析:题干中right, the same time, limits, evident这四个最主要的信息点在原文中都能找到对应的地方,因此判断答案为YES


对应原文:E部分:the dramatic rise in health costs in most OECD countries, accompanied by large-scale demographic and social changes


第39题答案:NOT GIVEN

解析:根据OECD定位到E部分,但文中只说了在这些国家医疗开始不断上升,却没有提到他们的应对办法,更没有提到他们有没有削减所提供的医疗水平,因此判断答案为NOT GIVEN

第40题答案:NOT GIVEN

对应原文:E部分:elderly people are now major (and relatively very expensive) consumers of health-care resources.

解析:虽然E部分中确实提到老年人是医疗资源的主要消耗者,但这是现在的情况。未来如何以及老人是否特殊都没有提到,因此判断为NOT GIVEN

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