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男女是否应该从事相同工作-雅思写作讨论双方观点-雅思大作文范文 men and women can be eq […]

男女是否应该从事相同工作-雅思写作讨论双方观点-雅思大作文范文 men and women can be equally suited to do any type of work




Some people think men and women have different natural abilities that make them suitable for different types of work. Others, however, believe that both men and women can be equally suited to do any type of work. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.




These days, many people show their concerns about whether natural aptitude should determine the kind of work men and women do, or they are both capable of doing the same type of activities. The question is, what should we do about it? This essay will explain both aspects. However, I am of the opinion that both genders are qualified to take the same challenge and are capable of doing similar jobs.



From the natural ability perspective, women are physically weaker than men and hence they are less suitable for the jobs that require ferocity and physical power. Men are meant to provide and protect their wives and the entire family. Secondly, the caring nature and tender heart that women possess make them more capable of certain careers. This means they generally perform better in occupations that require patience, caring, and kind heart such as nursing, social works, and teaching.



On the other hand, education and modern society have offered both genders to do any form of work and this was the most natural trend for modern society to accept. First, women and men who go through the same university and training programs become equally prepared to take positions in a company or in a society. Again, the traditional idea that women will take care of their children and men will earn the living is changing and a reverse scenario could be seen in many families. Finally, women in almost all fields have already proved that they can perform as well as men if they are given the opportunity.



In conclusion, although being naturally endowed may be beneficial for both genders, it is not particularly needed at workplaces. However, learning and training are indispensable for men and women in any society to work.



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