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媒体传播信息的优势和劣势-雅思写作优缺点-雅思大作文范文 今天这篇雅思写作大作文有些特殊,要求大家从6种媒体中 […]




Compare the advantages and disadvantages of three of the following as media for communicating information. State which you consider to be the most effective – Comics, books, radio, television, film, theater




These days, various types of media are used to communicate different information to the public such as books, film, theatre and many others. The following essay will discuss the positive and negative sides of television, radio and comic books as media of communicating information in details followed by a rational conclusion and my opinion about the most effective medium.



Many people like television because they can both hear the information and see in visual which is a great way to convey messages to the mass people. Almost all television channels have their own news programs and should there be a special event in the country, most of the people would watch the show and that makes TV as effective tools to deliver different messages to the people. This article is from Laokaoya website. For example, the Royal Wedding in the UK is watched by millions of people around the world, as they would not only hear the news but they also want to see the bride and the maid and the whole festival. However, television has its own weakness as it is not mobile and thus often fail to reach people. They are not easy to carry, therefore people could watch television in certain places only.



Some people like the radio because of its mobility and way of delivering messages to people. Although a lot of people consider it as old fashioned, several people still prefer listening to the radio for obtaining useful information. A lot of people are following the radio while they are driving as they could get information about the traffic condition or the weather forecast. However, the drawback is that people who have problems with their hearing capability will have trouble in getting some information from the radio.



Although several people think that comics are mostly for children, but many adults still like reading comics. As comic conveys messages in the form of stories and it attracts children and teenagers, therefore it is an effective tool for delivering important messages to children and teens. Despite the positive side, a comic book has its own drawbacks, as the cost of producing comics is high and not all people like to read it.



In my opinion, the most effective media for communicating information would be the radio. Even though it has some limitations, radio is still the most beneficial tool because of its mobility. These days, radios are produced in smaller sizes, such as the pocket radio, which can be carried everywhere.



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