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公司高级开发人员中男性比例-雅思写作柱状图bar chart-雅思小作文范文 这篇雅思写作小作文要求大家描述从 […]

公司高级开发人员中男性比例-雅思写作柱状图bar chart-雅思小作文范文

这篇雅思写作小作文要求大家描述从1980年到2010年三家公司(IBM, Microsoft, Apple)高级开发人员中男性参与的比例。从图中我们可以看出,三家公司的比例都有所增长,但幅度不同。其中IBM最大,Apple最小。老烤鸭小编搜集了一篇相关的高分范文,以供大家参考。


The bar chart below shows the percentage of participation of men in senior development in three companies between 1980 and the year 2010.

Summarise the information by selecting and report in the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

雅思小作文题目participation of men in senior development in three companies


The provided bar graph compares the number of male senior developers in three major software companies namely IBM, Microsoft and Apple between 1980 and 2010. As is presented in the graph, Initially Apple had the largest percentage of senior development employees but after 30 years IBM employed the largest percentage of such employees.


As is presented in the bar graph, initially in 1980, IBM had less than 3% senior male developers while Microsoft had 8% and Apple had about 15% such senior developers. After a decade, in 1990 to be exact, the percentage of senior male developers became almost the same for these companies. In 1995, the percentage of senior male employees in IBM became the highest and this kept on increasing till 2010. Finally, in 2010, IBM had the largest percentage of such employees making more than 60% while Microsoft had 45% and Apple had about 25% of such senior developers.


In summary, the number of male senior developers increased in all the three companies but the rate of increase in IBM and Microsoft was far higher than Apple.



本文固定链接: http://www.laokaoya.com/23345.html | 老烤鸭雅思-专注雅思备考

公司高级开发人员中男性比例-雅思写作柱状图bar chart-雅思小作文范文:等您坐沙发呢!


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