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雅思口语part2话题卡:Describe the time when you first talked in […]

雅思口语part2话题卡:Describe the time when you first talked in a foreign language 描述你第一次用外语的经历/说一门外语的经历


与foreign language(外语)相关的话题在雅思口语考试中出现的次数比较频繁,考察的细节也不同。该道话题卡难度系数适中,主要要求考生描述出自己曾经第一次说(talk)外语的经历。因此,大家在描述的使用外语的经历里面一定是在说的层面。至于说的是多个单词还是若干个句子,这里并没有做任何限定。在启蒙英语的学习阶段,有的学习方式以词为中心,有的以短句为中心,只要大家描述出自己的经历并以清晰的逻辑呈现出来即可。大家可以在看到这道P2题目之后给自己一分钟的时间来思考并口头练习一下,然后再参考老烤鸭给出的原创范文进行学习。


Describe the time when you first talked in a foreign language

You should say

Where you were

Who you were with

What you talked about

And explain how you felt about it




Well, it’s been quite a while. I remember it was in the third year of my primary school that I started to talk in a language that was not my mother tongue.


I was actually in a classroom where our English teacher prepared us a group activity in which we were required to introduce ourselves in English with three simple sentences in front of the group members.


Unlike the ordinary lessons, it was a pilot one where some other teachers in our school also participated in. But, this article is from Laokaoya website, they just sat at the back of the classroom, observing our teacher’s teaching and the students’ learning.


Honestly, I couldn’t remember the whole three sentences, but I do remember two of them, which were My name is Jack, and I come from Harbin. You know, I had actually made two mistakes before I blurted out the correct words.

老实讲,我不太记得完整的三个句子了。但是,我记得其中的两个,一个是,我的名字叫Jack (这是我当时的英文名),还有一个就是:我来自哈尔滨。我其实在蹦出正确英语之前犯了两次错误。

Well, I was quite nervous at that time. The main reason was that there were many teacher observers in our classroom, which made me feel like we were criminals being watched. But, I also felt a great sense of achievement as that’s the first time I officially talked in English!


Part 3 追加问题

At what age should children start learning a foreign language?

Which skill is more important, speaking or writing?

Does a person still need to learn other languages, if he or she is good at English?

Do you think minority languages will disappear?


本文固定链接: http://www.laokaoya.com/27773.html | 老烤鸭雅思-专注雅思备考

雅思口语part2话题卡:Describe the time when you first talked in a foreign language 第一次用外语:等您坐沙发呢!


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