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剑桥雅思10Test4Passage2阅读答案解析 Second Nature 第二天性



雅思真题阅读词汇 剑桥雅思10 test 4 passage 2 第二天性second nature

剑桥雅思10Test4Passage2阅读原文翻译 Second Nature 第二天性

剑桥雅思10 Test4 Passage2阅读答案解析


对应原文:A部分第1段:Psychologists have long held that a person’s character cannot undergo a transformation in any meaningful way


第15题答案:young age

对应原文:A部分第1段:the key traits of personality are determined at a very young age.

答案解析:根据and定位到这句话。从题干中可以推测空上应该填一个时间(到什么时候),由此锁定young age为答案。


对应原文:A部分第2段:Some qualities are less challenging to develop than others, optimism being one of them

答案解析:题目前面的habitual behavior已经是A部分第1段的末尾。因为我们将注意力集中在A部分第2段中。根据最高级与比较级的对应定位到这句话,从题干中可以推测空上填的应该是一种品质,由此锁定optimism。


对应原文:A部分第2段:However, developing qualities requires mastering a range of skills which are diverse and sometimes surprising.

答案解析:根据however定位到这句话,a wide variety of与a range of同义替换,由此确定答案为skills。

第18题答案:negative emotions/feelings

对应原文:A部分第2段:For example, to bring more joy and passion into your life, you must be open to experiencing negative emotions.

答案解析:根据for example定位到这句话,feel与experience同义替换,根据修饰关系确定答案为negative emotions。


对应原文:F段:Psychologist Todd Kashdan has this advice for those people taking up a new passion: ‘As a newcomer, you also have to tolerate and laugh at your own ignorance. You must be willing to accept the negative feelings that come your way

答案解析:虽然题干与原文句子长度相差较大。但我们可以通过信息点的对应来确定答案。accept与tolerate同义替换,do not know much与ignorance同义替换,try something new与new passion同义替换,由此确定答案为E。


对应原文:D段:Suzanne Segerstrom … believes that the key to increasing optimism is through cultivating optimistic behaviour … This will help you convince yourself that favourable outcomes actually happen all the time

答案解析:Suzanne Segerstrom认为提升乐观情绪的关键在于培养乐观行为。而写下三件好事情能够让你说服自己好的结果一直都有。good things与favourable outcomes同义替换,由此确定答案为C。


对应原文:H部分第1段:According to Cynthia Pury, a psychologist at Clemson University, Pedeleose’s story proves the point that courage is not motivated by fearlessness, but by moral obligation.

答案解析:Cynthia Pury认为,Pedeleose的故事说明,勇气不是由无畏激发出来的,而是出于道德责任。题干中origins与motivated对应,moral obligation与responsiblity对应,由此确定答案为G。


对应原文:B段:Christopher Peterson … Inherently introverted, he realised early on that as an academic, his reticence would prove disastrous in the lecture hall. So he learned to be more outgoing and to entertain his classes.

答案解析:Christopher Peterson举了自己的例子。之前自己很羞涩,但他学会了外向,以及如何调动课堂气氛。即他面对在公共场所演讲的需要,克服了害羞。由此确定A为答案。


对应原文:E段:Streeter learned to untangle her fears from her judgment of what her body and mind could do.



对应原文:C段:David Fajgenbaum … were undergoing physical rehabilitation and suffering from depression like him. He therefore launched a support group to help others in similar situations.

答案解析:C段中提到David Fajgenbaum的例子,他在自己遭受挫折之后,还建立了互助小组来帮助其他拥有类似情况的人。即某人如何克服一段悲伤的经历。由此确定答案。


对应原文:G段:In 2004, physician-scientist Mauro Zappaterra began his PhD research … When he got back, he switched labs to study how

答案解析:G段举了Mauro Zappaterra的例子,讲述他一开始对自己的研究领域不感兴趣,后来换了实验室开始研究其他内容。即题干中所说的重新思考自己的学术职业道路。由此确定答案。


对应原文:H段:Pedeleose carefully recorded each instance of bullying and eventually took the evidence to a senior director, knowing his own job security would be threatened.


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