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2020年11月14日雅思考试答案 今天考试的听力部分有点难。有同学反应,平时Part1一个不错,今天反应过来 […]




Part1 岛屿旅游


1. Number of permanent inhabitants: 15000

2. maximum summer temperature: 30 degrees

3. spend the day at the beach

4. play golf

5. take photos of birds

6. take a short trip on the island in a helicopter

7. go to the outdoor cinema

8. accommodation is less expensive in the villages

9. start at 45 dollars per night

10. there is a large hotel with a beautiful garden

Part 2 健身机构


11-16. 答案缺失

17-20. 地图

17. badminton court

18. cafe

19. bathroom

20. swimming pool

Part 3 电视对小孩的影响


21-24. 单选

21. children can be allowed to watch adult programme, when

C. Parents should join kids watching TV and discuss with them

22. the influence of watching TV on kids is

A. one of the major influences

23. the kids who are active viewers perform

C. better than children who do not watch TV at all

24. 看过多电视的孩子的父母是

B. manufacturing parents

25-28. 匹配

25. the difference in age or sex group: B. do more search

26. for family background: A. use existing research

27. for religious reasons: C. not cover

28. for family influence: A. use existing research

29-30. 单选

29. which influence is actually valid?

C. enlarge their vocabulary

30. kids of which professionals watch most TV?

C. parents who are unemployed

Part 4 非洲果树


31. full of nutrition in quality 也有同学回忆是malnutrition 欢迎大家留言讨论

32. fruit was discovered by accident

33. color is green

34. concerned with the reproduction of fruit

35. monoply

36. farmers prefer fruits which are sweet and large

37. chemical oil of cosmetics

38. collecting nuts from trees

39. farmers involved in testing 

40. farmers run their own business and begin to make a profit


2020年9-12月雅思口语机经 雅思口语Part1范文

2020年9-12月雅思口语题库 雅思口语Part2答案




14. stories

15. America

16. folklore

17. fairy tales

18. adventures

19. Thomas: was not a writer originally

20. Sara: wrote a criticism of children’s literature

21. Grimm: did not write in English

22. Children did not start to read books until 1700: FALSE

23. Sarah Trimmer believed that children’s books should set good examples: TRUE

24. parents were concerned about the violence in children’s books: NOT GIVEN

25. An interest in the folklore changed the direction of the development of children’s books: TRUE

26. Today children’s book writers believe their works should appeal to both children and adults: TRUE





Some people think that environmental problems are too big for individuals to solve. Others, however, believe that these problems can not be solved if individuals do not take actions. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

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