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雅思口语Part1范文答案解析:Stages of life 人生阶段 这类话题对我们来说并不陌生,每个人都经 […]

雅思口语Part1范文答案解析:Stages of life 人生阶段


Do you enjoy your current stage of life? 你喜欢目前的人生阶段吗?

Yes, I do. I like my current stage of life. Currently, I’m a third-year college student right now. So, I don’t need to worry about job hunting that much at the moment and I still got a lot of free time to do what I truly enjoy such as reading and traveling. Well, sometimes I do get tired because of my heavy burden on studies but the overall life experience is enjoyable.


In which stage of your life were you the happiest? 你曾经哪个人生阶段感到最开心?

I think it was definitely my childhood that gave me the strongest sense of happiness. That was the period when I felt the greatest care from parents and relatives. You know, no matter where I went, they always catered to needs. As you might know, this article is from Laokaoya website, the oldest and the youngest are always given the top priorities here as a tradition. Plus, I didn’t have more homework than the kids do now. So, I could have much time playing outside with my peer after school.


Which stage of your life do you think is the most important? 你认为人生的哪个阶段最为重要?

In my eyes, college life is the most important time in my life so far. You know, college life is the new start where I begin to think about aspects other than learning. While I was in high school or even earlier stages of my life, the theme that my parents set for me was preparing for the Gaokao, which was the college entrance exam. However, when I got into college, things looked totally different. I had to learn to become socially adaptive to prepare for my independent life in society, which has been a critical transition for my life.


What is your plan for your next stage of life? 你下一个人生阶段的打算是什么?

Well, my goal for the next stage of life is to go abroad to continue my studies of my current major. I feel like there’s a need for me to learn more about it before I become an employee in a company. And, to get a degree in a foreign university can help me become more competitive in the job market.



本文固定链接: http://www.laokaoya.com/31830.html | 老烤鸭雅思-专注雅思备考

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