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雅思口语Part 3: What are the advantages of having a mobile […]


雅思口语Part 3: What are the advantages of having a mobile phone?





I think the advantages of getting a mobile phone are numerous. The most obvious benefit for sure is that we can use the cellphone to make calls so that I can get connected with someone conveniently. What else? I guess most people’s cellphone is more advanced than in the past, right? It has a number of amazing functions like taking pictures as a camera, even some smartphones are as advanced as some single-lens reflex cameras. Oh, the most wonderful thing on the phone is that it’s got so many useful APPs which enable us to do many things like watching the latest TV series so that we won’t feel necessary to wait in front of a TV set.


numerous 很多的

obvious 明显的

function 功能

single-lens reflex camera 单反相机

推荐参考:你国家的大多数人都有手机吗?    Describe something important that you lost

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雅思口语Part 3: What are the advantages of having a mobile phone? 使用手机有什么优势?:等您坐沙发呢!


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