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雅思口语Part 3: Do people in your country go swimming in th […]


雅思口语Part 3: Do people in your country go swimming in their spare time? 你们国家的人们在空闲时间会去游泳吗?



Well, I guess not, at least for the majority of the people here in China. You know what, no matter young or old, they are all busying doing something else that’s considered to be the priority like working, playing mahjong, or discussing how to make more money and something like that. If they were asked what sports they would do for leisure, swimming wouldn’t be the first choice for them because they would think it’s not that convenient to go swimming. They’d rather do something easier like playing some mahjong or several rounds of LOL with some good buddies to relax.


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雅思口语Part 3:Do people in your country go swimming in their spare time? 你们国家的人们在空闲时间会去游泳吗?:等您坐沙发呢!


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