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今天我们来看一道雅思口语Part3有关“传统”(traditions)的问题 文化系列(2): 考官问题: D […]

今天我们来看一道雅思口语Part3有关“传统”(traditions)的问题 文化系列(2):

考官问题: Do you think teenagers should learn about tradition? -考官问题翻译:你认为青少年应该了解传统吗?




Yes, I do. It is quite essential for teenagers to learn about tradition, especially some in their own country. Because one cannot find himself or herself as truly a native by not knowing anything about the tradition. This article is from Laokaoya website. When some exotic people came from other places and want to know something about your hometown, then you could only tell the tradition if you knew it. Plus, it means so much about one’s identity, for instance, if you are studying abroad, then it really helps you to stand out from crowds by introducing the unique traditions your home country has.


essential: 重要的

exotic: 外来的

identity: 身份

雅思口语Part3: 哪种传统在你的国家比较流行?文化系列(1)

本文固定链接: http://www.laokaoya.com/3395.html | 老烤鸭雅思-专注雅思备考

雅思口语Part3: 你认为青少年应该了解传统吗?文化系列(2):等您坐沙发呢!


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