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雅思口语Part1范文答案解析:Barbecue 烧烤 烧烤在雅思口语中是一个比较新的话题,不过难度系数适中。 […]


雅思口语Part1范文答案解析:Barbecue 烧烤


Do Chinese people like barbecue? 中国人喜欢烧烤吗?

Yes, they do. Generally, I think the Chinese are quite keen on barbecue because it’s tasty. Well, it may not be possible for most of them to have it in the backyard of their home. But, you can often see lots of customers dining at barbecue restaurants in China.


What kind of food do you like to eat for barbecue? 你在烧烤的时候喜欢吃什么类型的食物?

I like spicy grilled chicken wings which I think are the most delicious meat for the barbecue. I usually eat them with a cup of cold beer to dilute the pungency a little bit. Plus, this article is from Laokaoya website, vegetables like tofu and enokitake are also my favorite. You know, I can’t have barbecue without those veggies.


Would you like to have barbecue with your family or your friends? 你愿意和家人还是朋友一起吃烧烤?

I’d like to have it with my family. You know, I’ve had barbecue with my friends many times this year, and it seems that this is a nice social event that helps improve our friendship. However, I regret not having many opportunities to dine with my parents. So, I am more willing to grill some meats and veggies with them.


Did you have barbecue when you were a child? 在你是个孩子的时候有吃过烧烤吗?

Definitely, I did. While I was a kid, barbecue was way more popular than today. You know, we had more street markets that allow us to have it as there were fewer government regulations. So, I often ate with my family during the weekends on a barbecue street to spend our quality time.



本文固定链接: http://www.laokaoya.com/41111.html | 老烤鸭雅思-专注雅思备考

雅思口语Part1范文答案解析:Barbecue 烧烤:等您坐沙发呢!


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