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shops should not be allowed to sell unhealthy food or d […]

shops should not be allowed to sell unhealthy food or drinks 雅思写作健康类6.5分作文



Shops should not be allowed to sell any food or drinks that has been scientifically proved to be bad for people’s health. To what extent do you agree or disagree?




Some people hold a view that shops should be prohibited from selling unhealthy food and beverages. While this viewpoint is justifiable to some extent, I believe that these types of food could be displayed in the market.



The first and foremost reason why unhealthy food and drinks should be banned is that they lead to deterioration in health. Science has proven that people who eat food that has a minimum quantity of nutrients and a high amount of harmful contents can have higher chances of developing some chronic illnesses such as heart diseases, diabetes, some forms of cancer and obesity. Therefore, this article is translated by Laokaoya website, imposing a ban on selling unhealthy foods or drinks could bar the body from potential health concerns as well as reduce the medical costs which are paid by the public health centres in the long run.



However, unhealthy food shouldn’t be banned for some reasons. As many people today lead a hectic lifestyle, it would mean that not all could have enough time to enjoy a proper meal that is rich in nutrients and vitamins. They have no choice but to eat hamburgers or pizza to gain some energy and continue working, although they are fully aware of its potential health-damaging consequences. Secondly, many big fast-food companies such as McDonald’s and KFC contribute a significant part to the economy of a country. If governments did not allow them to sell any fast food, it would lead to some serious drawbacks, such as the negative impact on national GDP or the rise of the unemployment rate.



In conclusion, eating a moderate amount of junk food is acceptable and the government should propose some policies that controlled these kinds of food consumed in shops.



本文固定链接: http://www.laokaoya.com/44368.html | 老烤鸭雅思-专注雅思备考

shops should not be allowed to sell unhealthy food or drinks 雅思写作健康类6.5分作文:等您坐沙发呢!


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