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the role of mother differs in some ways from the role o […]

the role of mother differs in some ways from the role of a father 雅思写作7.5分范文



In many countries, the role of a mother differs in some ways from the role of a father. Why do you think these differences exist? How might parental roles develop in the future?




It is true that there is a significant difference between the parental role of fathers and mothers. There are several reasons for this difference, and it will experience significant changes in the future.



The first reason lies in the conventional thinking of people. Although gender equality is widely accepted, many people in Asian countries still hold the belief that men are breadwinners and women are homemakers. In these countries, this is from Laokaoya website, women still have fewer job opportunities and earn significantly less than their male fellows. As a result, they might have to sacrifice their career to take care of the family.



Gender difference may be another reason. As men tend to be more strict and rational, they may teach their children to work hard and hold big ambitions. By contrast, women are soft, tender and get on well with others, so that children can learn to collaborate and develop social skills from them. Also, due to their characteristics, mothers often pay more attention to family and spend more time with children, while fathers often focus on making profits that support the family.



However, the current difference in parental roles of father and mother will be lessened in the future. Firstly, the progress of equal rights has enabled women to take high positions in firms, so that they can earn more and become the breadwinners in their families. Meanwhile, as it is acceptable for men to leave their job to raise children, there will be more male homemakers in the future.



In conclusion, there are several factors that contribute to the difference in the roles of fathers and mothers, and this difference will be lessened in the near future.



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the role of mother differs in some ways from the role of a father 雅思写作7.5分范文:等您坐沙发呢!


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