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雅思阅读真题词汇 剑桥雅思13 Test 4 Passage 1 卡蒂萨克号帆船



剑桥雅思13Test4Passage1阅读原文翻译 Cutty Sark: the fastest sailing ship of all time 卡蒂萨克号帆船

剑桥雅思13Test4Passage1阅读答案解析 Cutty Sark: the fastest sailing ship of all time 卡蒂萨克号


sailing n. 航海,航行

例句:There was swimming and sailing down on the lake. 有人在湖上游泳和扬帆。

iron n. 铁

例句:Iron goes rusty easily. You should take good care of it. 铁器容易有锈斑, 你们要注意保管.

vessel n. 船,舰艇

例句:A Moroccan fishing vessel and a South Korean cargo ship collided in rough seas. 一艘摩洛哥渔船与一艘韩国货船在波涛汹涌的大海上相撞了。

intact adj. 完整的,未受损伤的

例句:Most of the house remains intact even after two hundred years. 虽然过了两百年,这房子的大部分还保持完好。

display n. 陈列,展览

例句:In the fashion display, the ladies were held captive by so many modern clothes. 在时装展览中, 女士们被这么多时髦的服装深深吸引住了.

prestige n. 声望,声誉

例句:There is a lot of prestige attached to owning a car like this. 拥有这样一部汽车会显得很气派。

misfortune n. 不幸,灾祸

例句:It seems the banks always profit from farmers’ misfortunes. 银行似乎总是从农民的不幸中获益。

daunting adj. 令人猥琐的

例句:The move to Prague was a daunting prospect for the bishop. 对于主教来说,要迁往布拉格有点儿令人发憷。

cargo n. 货物

例句:We had to lash the cargo to the ship’s deck during the storm. 在暴风雨中,我们不得不把货物紧系在船的甲板上.

route n. 航线,路线

例句:Kennedy arrived at the same conclusion by a different route. 肯尼迪用不同的方法得出了同样的结论。

incompetent adj. 无能力的,不胜任的

例句:Lazy and incompetent police officers are letting the public down. 懒惰兼无能的警官令公众失望。

navigator n. 航海家,领航员

例句:He became an RAF navigator during the war. 他在战争期间成为皇家空军的领航员。

hemisphere n. 半球

例句:In most people, the left hemisphere is bigger than the right. 多数人的左脑比右脑大。

profitable adj. 有利润的,有收益的

例句:The advertising campaign proved very profitable. 事实证明,这次广告宣传活动卓有成效。

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