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雅思口语Part1范文答案解析:Dreams 梦 做梦是每个人都经历过的事情。有时候在睡醒之后,我们仍然可以很 […]

雅思口语Part1范文答案解析:Dreams 梦


Can you remember the dreams you had? 你能记住自己做过的梦吗?

I barely can. In most cases, I can only remember that I had a long dream, but cannot recall any detail. However, sometimes, the things that happen in the dreams are so impressive that even after I wake up, they are still vivid in my mind.


Do you share your dreams with others? 你会跟其他人分享你做的梦吗?

I only share them with my intimate friends. I think dreams are pretty personal. Their content may reflect something embedded in your subconsciousness and can accidentally reveal your opinions that you do not want others to know.


Do you think dreams have special meanings? 你认为梦有特殊的含义吗?

Actually no. I think they are just the result of the activities of the neurons that refuse to go dormant while you are sleeping. This article is from Laokaoya website. I know some people believe that dream fragments can foretell the future and they swear they have had relevant experience, but these are just small probability events.


Do you want to make your dreams come true? 你想要自己的梦变成真的吗?

It highly depends on the content of my dream. If it is a sweet one, in which I made a fortune, found my true love, and reared several cute kids, I will definitely want it to come true. But if it is a horrible one, where I got murdered or chased, it had better remain a fantasy.



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雅思口语Part1范文答案解析:Dreams 梦:等您坐沙发呢!


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