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雅思口语Part1范文答案解析:Websites 网站 网站类的话题曾经在口语第二部分考到过。如今,在雅思口语 […]

雅思口语Part1范文答案解析:Websites 网站


What kinds of websites do you often visit? 你经常访问什么类型的网站?

I like online shopping. So, I often go to the e-commerce websites such as JD and Taobao to see if there is something that is worth buying. Also, I visit social websites like Douban and Weibo a lot as they allow me to know about other people’s perspectives on various topics.


What is your favorite website? 你最喜欢的网站是什么?

Actually, I’m quite into the official website of our school’s library. You know, it has a robust online searching and documentary system that could allow readers to check any academic materials that are digitalized. So, this article is from Laokaoya website, I don’t need to go to the library quite often, and this basically saves me a lot of time.


Are there any changes about the websites you often visit? 你经常访问的网站有什么变化吗?

Yes, there is. The websites that I often visit usually have a daily update on content, especially those social websites on which lots of users are posting their stuff nearly every minute.


What kinds of websites are popular in your country? 在你的国家,什么类型的网站受欢迎?

I assume one of the most well-received ones is the social website such as Weibo. They use it not only as a tool to communicate with others but also as a way of getting the latest news in society. Besides, shopping websites are also very popular as they are quite easy to use.



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雅思口语Part1范文答案解析:Websites 网站:等您坐沙发呢!


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