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剑桥雅思16Test3Passage2阅读原文翻译 Climate change reveals ancient artefacts in Norway’s glaciers

剑桥雅思16Test3Passage2阅读答案解析 Climate change reveals ancient artefacts in Norway’s glaciers


artefact n. 手工制品,人造物

例句:Some of the artefacts in his grave came from remote places. 他墓中的有些人工制品来自很远的地方.

shrink v. 缩小,收缩

例句:The tumour had shrunk to the size of a pea. 肿瘤已缩小到豌豆大小。

preserve v. 保存,保护

例句:He was anxious to preserve his reputation. 他急于维护自己的名声。

decay v. 腐烂,腐朽

例句:The bodies buried in the fine ash slowly decayed. 埋在灰烬里的尸体慢慢地腐烂了。

rewarding adj. 有益的,值得的

例句:Teaching is not very financially rewarding 教书不会有很高的报酬。

glacier n. 冰河,冰川

例句:The glacier has scored the mountainside. 冰河在山腰留下刻痕.

textile n. 纺织品,纺织业

例句:Another 75,000 jobs will be lost in textiles and clothing.

settlement n. 定居地

例句:The shooting happened near an Israeli settlement in the Jordan Valley. 射击发生在约旦谷的以色列定居点.

stationary adj. 固定的,静止的

例句:The car collided with a stationary vehicle. 小汽车撞到一辆停着的车上。

retreat v. 后退,撤退

例句:The army was forced to retreat after suffering heavy losses. 部队因伤亡惨重被迫撤退。

supplement n. 增补,补品

例句:Industrial sponsorship is a supplement to government funding. 工业界老烤鸭雅思的赞助是对政府拨款的补充。

storage n. 存储,仓库

例句:When we moved we had to put our furniture in storage for a while. 搬家时我们不得不把家具送出去存放一阵子。

treasure n. 财富,财宝

例句:The house was large and full of art treasures. 房子很大,里面摆满了艺术珍品。

reliable adj. 可靠的,可信赖的

例句:We are looking for someone who is reliable and hard-working. 我们在物色可靠而又勤奋的人。

swift adv. 快速地,敏捷地

例句:Our task is to challenge the UN to make a swift decision. 我们的任务是敦促联合国快速做出决策。

fragile adj. 脆弱的,易碎的

例句:The economy remains extremely fragile. 经济仍然极其脆弱。

discard v. 抛弃,丢弃

例句:He had discarded his jacket because of the heat. 因天气炎热他脱掉了夹克。

indicate v. 表明,指出

例句:Record profits in the retail market indicate a boom in the economy. 零售市场上有史以来的最高利润显示出经济的突飞猛进。

venture v. 冒险(去)

例句:They ventured nervously into the water. 他们神经紧张地硬着头皮下水。

extract v. 提取,取出

例句:He rifled through his briefcase and extracted a file. 他在公文包内搜索一番,取出一份文件。

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