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剑桥雅思真题4Test1口语Part2答案范文Describe an interesting historic […]

剑桥雅思真题4Test1口语Part2答案范文Describe an interesting historic place 描述一处有意思的历史古迹



Describe an interesting historic place

You should say:

What it is

Where it is located

What you can see there now

and explain why this place is interesting.




An interesting historic place I would like to talk about is the Forbidden City which was the Chinese imperial palace. It was the home and working place of the emperors and their servants from the Ming Dynasty to the end of the Qing dynasty.


This place is located in the center of Beijing. If you zoom in on the map of the city, you would see a giant square within the second ring road, and that’s where it is.


Well, since there’s no emperor in China now, this palace has been served as a history museum for tourists from home and abroad. So, basically, we are allowed to visit around 80% of its area including the bedrooms, the living rooms, and some ritual sites, which were all esthetically designed by ancient craftsmen. The first time I got there, this article is from Laokaoya website, I was really shocked to know that there were more than 8000 rooms in the palace, which made me wonder how many years it would take for them to stay in those rooms one by one for a good round. Besides, if you have enough time, you will be able to see some mysterious phenomena such as the ghost silhouettes of the walking court ladies, which normally come out during thunderstorm conditions.


I suppose the biggest reason why this palace is quite interesting to me is that it has lots of things to learn from, you know the countless relics that contain history unknown to me, not to mention the stunning architecture that I always wanted to appreciate more when I was there.


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剑桥雅思真题4Test1口语Part3参考答案 history 历史

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剑桥雅思真题4Test1口语Part2答案范文Describe an interesting historic place 古迹:等您坐沙发呢!


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