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剑桥雅思真题4Test2口语Part1参考答案 Food and cooking 食物与烹饪 有些同学对食物的 […]


剑桥雅思真题4Test2口语Part1参考答案 Food and cooking 食物与烹饪

有些同学对食物的接受程度很高,不仅不挑食,而且还乐于尝试新鲜食物,甚至自己掌勺;而有些同学的口味则比较挑剔,只吃固定的几种东西,对没有见过的食物总是抱着怀疑态度,做饭更是完全不可能。这两种态度都可以用来回答food and cooking下面的小问题,大家用自己的真实情况进行说明就好,不用刻意装作对吃的很感兴趣的样子。

What kinds of food do you like to eat? 你喜欢什么种类的食物?

I am quite into vegetables such as broccoli and lettuce, I am a not vegetarian though. I like them because they are a good source of vitamins and fiber, which are essential to my health. Also, I sometimes have a weakness for some BBQ-style meat such as the chicken drums simply because they are yummy drinking food.


What kind of new food would you like to try? (Why?) 你想尝试哪些新种类的食物? (为什么?)

The other day, I saw a documentary on Thai Food, and soon felt quite interested in a dish called curry crap. It was well made by a well-known chef in a restaurant with more than 100 years of history in Bangkok city. This article is from Laokaoya website. He managed to maintain the nutrition and good flavor of the food by steaming, which I haven’t seen before. So, I really want to try it in the future.


Do you like cooking? (Why/Why not?) 你喜欢烹饪吗? (为什么?)

Yes, I do. I am fond of cooking. I feel that it is a good way to reduce my pressure from other things. You know, whenever I felt stressed out in working/studying, I would choose to cook a meal. You know, the cooking process was actually fun and helped me divert my attention to those headaches I had in other matters.


What was the last meal you cooked? 你上次做饭做的啥?

Let me see. Well, last time, I had a gathering meal with my old classmates at home. I remember I made some pork and leek dumplings. The preparation of the food materials was time-consuming but I received the recognition of the dumplings from my friends, which really made my day.


Do you prefer home-cooked food or food from restaurants? (Why?) 你喜欢家里做的食物还是餐馆里的食物?

I definitely love home-cooked food more. The most important reason is that foods cooked at home are a lot safer. You know, I can take extra care of the sanitation and the food safety at home. However, in restaurants, you may never know what others might have done to the food. I heard that the waiter or the waitress might secretly spit on them if they got mad, which is quite unacceptable for me.


剑桥雅思真题4Test2口语Part2答案范文Describe an interest or hobby that you enjoy 兴趣爱好

剑桥雅思真题4Test2口语Part3参考答案 Hobbies and Leisure Time 爱好与余暇

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剑桥雅思真题4Test2口语Part1参考答案 Food and cooking 食物与烹饪:等您坐沙发呢!


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