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雅思口语part3: are you talkative 你很能说吗 Well, it depends on […]


雅思口语part3: are you talkative 你很能说吗

Well, it depends on the subject I am talking with. If it is somebody that I am familiar with, like my best friends or classmates or someone who share the same interests as me, I can talk for hours without a break. In fact, I have talked with my friend about a Japanese anime for a whole night. However, if the subject is a stranger who I know nothing about, I would be quite silent and may not even say a single word unless it is necessary. This is because I am afraid that the topic I want to talk about is not in his interest and would make him bored. Furthermore, something I say unconsciously may displease him. So I had better say nothing at all.


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雅思口语part3: are you talkative 你很能说吗:等您坐沙发呢!


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