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雅思口语当季话题卡:Describe a public park or garden 描述一个公共公园或者花园 […]

雅思口语当季话题卡:Describe a public park or garden 描述一个公共公园或者花园


该题目较为简单,只有一个信息点:public park or garden。而且是日常生活中比较常见的事物,对各位考生来说应该不存在什么难度。唯一需要注意别写成自己家的花园,然后说半天花园如何维护就好。就中国而言,公园的景色较为固定,通常都是中间有个湖,沿着湖修个长廊,湖里可以划船,夏天的时候会有荷花。小路将公园分割成块,中间点缀些特色植物,或者修个亭子。公园里会有阿姨跳广场舞,小孩追跑打闹,年轻人谈恋爱,中年人锻炼身体,老年人散步,有时候可能还会有些人钓鱼,基本上就这些情况 :oops:


You should say:

Where it is  它在哪

What it looks like  它看起来如何

What you do there  你在那干吗

And explain how you feel about it  说说你对它的感受


The park I am going to tell you is called Purple Bamboo Park. It is located to the west of the city center of Beijing, surrounded by Beijing Foreign Studies University, Beijing Dancing Academy and National Library of China.


Like many other Chinese parks, a large lake is situated at its center, with calm and glinted water under the sun. People can paddle boats on it. When summer comes, the lake will be covered by lotus leaves and you can smell the fragrance of lotus from quite a distance. Paths stretch out from the lake, separating it into a variety of irregular areas. Bamboos are scattered in some of them. According to the notice board, there are 32 different kinds of bamboos there. This article is from Laokaoya website. Do not copy or repost it. That is where it gets its name. But I cannot tell their difference. They are all the same to me. Other areas are constructed as small squares. There, you can always see middle-aged women doing their square dance, children chasing each other, and small chorus practicing their performance.


As the park is very close to where I live, I often do jogging around the lake to keep fit. Sometimes, when I come back from work pretty exhausted, I will take a stroll there or simply sit on one of the benches, trying to wind myself down.


I really love this park. It provides a heaven to escape the crowded city life and endless work.

同样有个相关话题卡Describe a public place that you think needs improvements,可以思考思考。


本文固定链接: http://www.laokaoya.com/812.html | 老烤鸭雅思-专注雅思备考

雅思口语当季话题卡:Describe a public park or garden 描述一个公共公园或者花园:目前有10 条评论

  1. 0楼

    为什么别的机经没有 public 这个要求呢

    2017-10-16 18:43 [回复]
    • 老烤鸭

      park包含有public的意思,所以不排除有的考场话题卡中会省去。不过,public garden不能省。所以最好以公共的角度来准备,确保都能覆盖到。

      2017-10-17 21:08 [回复]
  2. 0楼

    最新考场报道:北外考点 这道题的原封原的题目为:Describe a public park or garden you have visited when you were younger 题目几乎和老烤鸭一样 各位放心备考 :idea:

    2017-10-26 21:07 [回复]


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