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2018年12月15日雅思考试答案 亚太卷 2018年的最后一场考试也结束了。希望大家在这一年里都已经考出了自 […]

2018年12月15日雅思考试答案 亚太卷




Section 1 课程安排


1-10 填空

1. 7.50 per person book online 网上预定的价格

2. The middle seat of the theater 剧院中中间的座位

3. Location: the mountains 位置在山里

4. Take your own water and wear a helmet 自己带水和头盔

5. Activities: friend party 活动:朋友聚会

6. Location: swimming pool 游泳池

7. Don’t forget to take a jacket 不要忘记带夹克

8. Should not wear glasses 不能带眼镜

9. The library 图书馆

10. A cake 蛋糕

Section 2 多伦多研讨课介绍

11. This year the added new workshop is to offer service like:

A home visit 参观家庭

12. First workshop:

B finding job 找工作

13. Which interpreter is not available:

C Italian 意大利语

14. Seminar in September:

C engineering 工程学

15. What is the information display:

A near the lecture room 在教室附近

16. Room 202 – D give advice about education 给出关于教育的建议

17. Room 204 – E people working in the same career 拥有同样工作的人们

18. Room 205 – G something about leisure activity 休闲活动

19. Room 206 – F getting to know the public transportation 了解公共交通

20. Room 207 – B help to fill in the form 帮助填写表格


Section 1 驾照

1. Address: 67 King’s road 地址

2. Location: city center, north above the city 市中

3. Teacher’s name: Allen Sutcliffe 名字

4. The popular type of car on roads: automatic 自动挡的车

5. Had better: practice during the night 最好晚上练习

6. Safety driving depends on: good weather 安全驾驶取决于良好的天气

7. Obtain certification: to get a driving license 拿到驾照

8. Final test fee: 50 价格

9. Duration of test: approximately 30 minutes 测试的持续时间

10. More advice: must keep a driving diary 必须保持驾驶日志

Section 2 汽车博物馆

11. Before he brought this house, it was a farm 之前是农场

12. A Chinese wallpaper was painted in the 18th century 中国壁纸是在18世纪画上去的

13. Once an old man who died in the bird’s room 老人死在了鸟房里

14. The dining room has many antiques: he brought the chairs 餐厅有很多的股东,他带来的椅子

15. There are rare trees 有稀少的树木

16. Recent introduce in a geese/flamingos 最近有了天鹅

17. The most popular animal is the swans 最受欢迎的动物是天鹅

18. History exhibition: C gallery barn

19. Books: E gift shop

20. Natural trails: F woodland area


Section 1 失物招领

1. Name: Smithers 名字拼写

2. Date: 14th July 日期

3. Coach E 大巴

4. Location: by the door 位置在门旁边

5. Features: Pockets 有口袋

6. Items: a leather jacket 皮夹克

7. A notebook 笔记本

8. 70 价格

9. Address: Kierke 地址

10. Postcode: GW43 3HA 邮编

Section 2 英国游客在西班牙旅游

11. How many people the ferry can contain:

C 2000 渡轮可以容纳2000人

12. What does the guide advise people to bring along:

B reading materials 带阅读材料

13. This hotel is better than others for:

A good washing facilities 洗衣设施

14. What is not allowed in the hotel:

B enter or leave the hotel after a certain time 在特定的时间之后进出宾馆

15. The matters need attention and things need to be brought: spare socks 额外的袜子

16. Sun cream: Strength-block

17. A plastic folder map

18. A altitude

19. F vegetation

20. G wildlife








Some people think governments should spend money on faster means of public transport. However, others think money should be spent on other priorities (eg cost, environment). Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

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