2019年1月26日雅思考试答案 大陆卷
Section 1 咨询不同年龄的游泳课程
1-10 填空
1. introduce breathing techniques in water 水中的呼吸技术
2. focus on the safety 关注安全
3. improving the diving 提升潜水水平
4. intermediate level course are for adults 中级的课程是为成人准备的
5. 开始时间:13th/30th January 1月13日或30日
6. each learner should bring a towel 需要携带毛巾
7. aim to improve speed 目的是提升速度
8. bring change to rent a locker 需要携带零钱来租储物柜
9. required to swim with a hat 游泳的时候要带帽子
10. improve in confidence 提升自信
Section 2 家庭如何节约能源
11-16 单选
11. what was Jill surprised about? Jill对什么感到吃惊?
A. the work on the house will start soon 房屋的工作很快就要开始
12. what does Jill say every family can do straight away? Jill说每个家庭可以立刻做什么?
C. turn off the appliances completely 彻底关掉各种电器
13. what is Jill pleased about the energy provider? Jill为什么对电力提供者感到满意?
B. allow online payment by customers 允许消费者网上付款
14. what difficulty does Jill have with the energy meter? Jill在电表方面有什么问题?
B. the figures are hard to be read accurately 数字很难读准
15. what energy-saving method does Jill going to take next? 下一步Jill打算采取什么节省能源的办法?
A. install double-glazed window 安装双层的玻璃
16. why is Jill doubtful about renewable energy? Jill为什么对可再生能源有疑惑?
A. she thinks it is unsuitable for her house 她认为这不适合她家
17-20 多选
D. turn off the tap while brushing teeth 刷牙的时候关闭水龙头
E. repair drained tap 修好漏水的水龙头
19-20. 问题暂缺
A. 热水器最好调到几度省电
D. 省电的设备
Section 3 关于老房子历史的课题
21. information on the history of a village 关于村庄历史的信息
22. need to look at the ground plan 需要看下一层的图纸
23. go to the library to get large-scale maps 到图书馆去找大型地图
24. fireplaces 壁炉
25. reasons for choosing this topic 选择这一话题的原因
26. taking a piece of wood to get examinations 那一块木头去检测
27. should describe problems fully and honestly 应该完整真诚的描述问题
28. two aspects to consider: age 要考虑年龄
29. occupancy
30. should mention unanswered questions 应该提到没有回答的问题
Section 4 机场的未来建设
31-33 选择
31. recently, fast growth of construction of new airports? 最近,新的机场的快速建造
C.deserves close attention 应该得多更多的关注
32. one noticeable fact is that construction of the new airport is? 值得注意的事实是新机场的建造
B. more important than other buildings 比其他建筑物更加重要
33. what are the airport, cities, and town in common? 机场、城市以及城镇有什么共同点
A. respond to change 回应改变
34-38 匹配
34. S1: there are more expensive flights because of the economic depression 由于经济下行,有更多昂贵的航班
35. S2: there are emerging new airports 有新出现的机场
36. S3: there are also new transports pattern appeared 也有新的交通运输模式出现
37. S4: people’s interest in flying is declining in western countries 西方国家,人们对飞行的兴趣有所降低。
38. S5: airlines cannot hold business because of the costly maintenance 由于昂贵的维护费用,航空公司无法继续运营。
39-40 填空
39. if the environmental problems continue, the airport must be imposed on the “green tax“. 如果环境问题继续,机场必须被征收环境税。
40. the flight will close down if a trip does not get an insurance 也有版本答案为occupancy 如果一趟行程没有保险的话,航班必须关闭。
Some people believe that women should play an equal role as men in a country’s police force or military force, while others think women are not suitable for these kinds of jobs. Discuss both views and give your opinion.