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雅思口语Part1范文答案解析: Garbage 垃圾 Why do some people throw ga […]

雅思口语Part1范文答案解析: Garbage 垃圾

Why do some people throw garbage on the street? 人们为什么在街上扔垃圾?

I think the main reason why they throw garbage on the street is that they don’t have the awareness of protecting the public environment. They just think that it doesn’t matter to liter around and that somebody like the street cleaners will clean it up. Plus, some of them are probably in a hurry, they just can’t find a dust bin, so they have no choice but throw the garbage on the street.


Do you think your city is clean or not? 你认为你的城市干净不干净?

Well, I think it is clean and pretty cleaner than in the past. A lot of thanks to our street cleaners. You know, there has been a huge development in our city, wider roads and more modern infrastructures which have allowed more people than ever to use, and that definitely would cause a lot of pollution without those hardworking cleaners.


How do you feel when you see people throwing garbage on the street? 当人们在街上扔垃圾你会怎么看待此事?

This is so bad. This behavior would pose a danger to the environment. This article is from Laokaoya website. I have found that those who liter around are mostly those who are middle-aged pedestrians who gave us the impression that they are obviously not well educated regarding keeping the public places sanitary. Also, this kind of action might leave a bad impression on visitors especially those foreigners.


What do you do with garbage when you are on the street? 街上有垃圾的话,你会怎么处理?

Well, honestly, I just leave it on the street. I mean, I don’t mean to do so. Sometimes, I’m just rushing from one place to another, and I feel that It’s a little bit awkward for me to pick the garbage up and throw it into the dust bin while nobody does the same thing. However, if it’s in a small place like on the street near our community, I would definitely collect them and throw them properly.



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