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剑桥雅思9 test 1大作文考官范文解析 小学开始学外语的好坏 这篇雅思写作大作文要求大家探讨小学就开始学外 […]

剑桥雅思9 test 1大作文考官范文解析 小学开始学外语的好坏



剑桥雅思9 test 1大作文题目

Some experts believe that it is better for children to begin learning a foreign language at primary school rather than secondary school.

Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?

剑桥雅思9 test 1大作文考官范文

Traditionally, children have begun studying foreign languages at secondary school, but introducing them too earlier is recommended by some educationalists. This policy has been adopted by some educational authorities or individual schools, with both positive and negative outcomes.

The obvious argument in its favour is that young children pick up languages much more easily than teenagers. Their brains are still programmed to acquire their mother tongue, which facilitates learning another language, and unlike adolescents, they are not inhibited by self-consciousness.

The greater flexibility of the primary timetable allows for more frequent, shorter sessions and for a play-centred approach, thus maintaining learners’ enthusiasm and progress. Their command of the language in later life will benefit from this early exposure , while learning other languages subsequently will be easier for them. They may also gain a better understanding of other cultures.

There are, however, some disadvantages. Primary school teachers are generalists, and may not have the necessary language skills themselves. If specialists have to be brought in to deliver these sessions, the flexibility referred to above is diminished. If primary language teaching is not standardised, secondary schools could be faced with a great variety of levels in different languages within their intake, resulting in a classroom experience which undoes the earlier gains. There is no advantage if enthusiastic primary pupils become demotivated as soon as they change schools. However, these issues can be addressed strategically within the policy adopted.

Anything which encourages language learning benefits society culturally and economically, and early exposure to language learning contributes to this. Young children’s innate abilities should be harnessed to make these benefits more achievable.

剑桥雅思9 test 1考官范文解析

Task Response

1. 文章全面回答了题目中的问题。第一段改写题目,提到过去都是在中学学习外语,现在有人主张从小学开始。第二段和第三段论述这一措施的好处,第四段论述坏处,最后一段给出自己的意见。


2. 文章对各个论点进行了论证。好处方面,作者指出,儿童的大脑更加适合学习外语,而小学较为灵活的课程也有利于以游戏为中心的学习方式,让他们保持对语言的热情。坏处方面,作者一一指出了上述好处的缺陷,如老师不够专业,课程无法标准化,以及热情很容易消失等。但最后又表示这些缺点都是可以克服的。

Coherence and Cohesion

1. 文章分段比较合理。第一段转述题目,第二段和第三段各论证一条好处,第四段列举坏处,最后一段表明自己观点。各段内容相对独立,没有交叉混合的地方。

2. 这篇文章主要使用逻辑连接的方式来串联全文,每一句话的开头基本都是上一句中的内容。比如开头段的this policy,第二段的their brains,第三段的their command等。

Lexical Resource


Grammatical Range and Accuracy

1. 作为雅思官方给出的范文,这篇文章肯定不存在任何语法错误。

2. 从前到后,这篇文章中出现的语法结构有:转折连接句子,非谓语动词做主语,表语从句,定语从句,非谓语动词做状语,while的连接,条件状语从句等。不仅句式多样,而且相邻两句绝不重复。

剑桥雅思8 test 3高分词汇短语总结

educationalist n. 教育学家

adopt policy 采取政策

pick up languages 学习语言

teenager = adolescent

children = pupil

mother tongue 母语

facilitate v. 便利,有利于

self-consciousness n. 自我意识

their command of the language 对语言的掌握

standardized adj. 标准化的。

result in 导致

demotivated adj. 失去动力的,消极的。

exposure to language 熟悉语言

innate adj. 天生的。


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剑桥雅思9 test 1大作文考官范文解析 小学开始学外语的好坏:等您坐沙发呢!


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