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剑桥雅思14 Test 4写作Task 1考官范文 公园的变化 剑桥雅思14第四套题目的小作文是一篇典型的地图 […]

剑桥雅思14 Test 4写作Task 1考官范文 公园的变化



剑桥雅思14 test 4小作文题目

The plans below show a public park when it first opened in 1920 and the same park today.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

剑桥雅思14 test 4小作文题目

剑桥雅思14 test 4小作文考官范文

Grange Park was opened in 1920, a rectangular area with access from Arnold Avenue on the north side and from Eldon Street on the south side. There was a fountain in the centre, with a stage for musicians situated centre left, a glasshouse to the right of the Eldon Street entrance and a pond for water plants in the north east corner opposite. Around the edges of the park there were rose gardens, with seats nearby for people to smell the flowers and listen to music.

The park has altered considerably since then. Now there is one large-ish rose garden, occupying the central area where the fountain stood, and with seats all around it. One of the smaller rose gardens remains on the north side of the park. The bandstand (stage for musicians) has also been replaced, by an amphitheatre for concerts and associated seating. The glasshouse has gone and in its places is a water feature; similarly, where the pond for water plants stood there is now a children’s play area with a café nearby Access to the park is still via the two original but there is now a third entrance near the water feature from an underground car park.

Despite the apparently significant changes, the park retains the basic elements of flowers, water, seating and music, with the addition of a café and a children’s play area.

剑桥雅思14 test 1小作文考官范文解析

Task achievement

1. 数据选取方面。文章涉及到了两张图片中所有的地点,无一遗漏。

2. 文章最后一段对两张地图进行了总结,因为之前已经详细说明了它们的变化。总阶段更加强调在这巨大的变动中有哪些基础因素保持了不变。


3. 文章对两张地图进行了合理对比。以位置为线索,逐步介绍哪些建筑进行了改变,而哪些又保留了原样。

Coherence and Cohesion

1. 文章逻辑结构合理。第一段描述1920年时公园的样子,第二段描述现在的变化,最后一段总结。不过跟我们以往的认知不同的是,这篇文章并没有对题目进行转述

2. 因为是地图题的缘故,文章主要使用方位词来连接不同的句子。

Lexical Resource


Grammatical Range



rectangular adj. 矩形的

access n. 入口

in the north east corner opposite 对面的东北角

edge of the park 公园的边缘

alter v. 改变


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剑桥雅思14 Test 4写作Task 1考官范文 公园的变化:等您坐沙发呢!


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