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四个国家的轨道交通状况-雅思写作表格题table-雅思小作文范文 rail transport in four […]


四个国家的轨道交通状况-雅思写作表格题table-雅思小作文范文 rail transport in four countries



The table below gives information about rail transport in four countries in 2007.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

2007年四个国家轨道交通状况 雅思小作文范文


The table compares the data of railway networks in four countries, namely- Malaysia, Canada, China and the UAE in the year of 2007. Overall, it is clear that railway was more widely used by Chinese passengers, whereas in Canada, it was used primarily for freighting goods.


Now getting back to the details, a large number of people in China travelled by train, which accounted for 27 million in 2007, dominating that of the other countries. The highest out of four, the average travelling distance of Chinese was approximately three times higher than the corresponding number of Malaysian (770 kilometres).


By contrast, rail in Canada carried a vast amount of loads (28.20 tonnes) but a mere 0.3 million travellers. It is also noticeable that railway in Malaysia and UAE shared nearly the same patterns in all three categories. The former served 5.9 million customers in 2007, while that figure for the latter was slightly lower, 5.5 million. Likewise, there was hardly any difference between the amount of freight carried by train in both countries, accounted for 22.2 tonnes and 21.9 tonnes respectively.



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