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2018年1月20日雅思考试答案 老烤鸭独家解析 大陆听力 Section 1 1. Will be open […]


2018年1月20日雅思考试答案 老烤鸭独家解析


Section 1

1. Will be open late on nights of Thursday until11pm

2. Annual membership fee: $ 138

3. Address of club: in the Lossley road

4. The keys will be given at the side gate

5. Good facilities in the café

6. In a sleeping bag

7. Wind-surfing

8. Passport

9. Radio

10. 0730***5552

Section 2

11. Explorer the international B

12. Wild exchange A

13. Track abroad C

14. Go adventure C

15. Need qualification A

16. What kind of job in the zoo: B washing elephant

17. What problem when she first arrived there: C being ill

18. Activities with friends on weekend: B coach tour to coast area in someday

19. Volunteers divided into groups based on: A the same interest

20. The result of being the volunteer: B being proud of achievement

Section 3

21. How they describe a website: C be much relevant to their research topics

22. Which part is the most difficult one: B the foot movement

23. What does the boy investigate: B take apart his old shoes

24. About the report the job will be: C the woman finished almost all work of summary

25. What they will do this weekends: answer the questions left by their supervisor/professor

26. Will ask the tutor about: where to borrow equipment

27. Introduction/summary:F write it in the last part

28. Result:D change to other part

29. Conclusion:E in simple language

30. Discussion:C give a detail example

Section 4

Hearing loss (新题)


Section 2

The Importance of Law

Section 3


小作文:柱状图大作文: People today are surrounded by all kinds of advertising. This both affects in what people think is important and have a negative impact on people’s lives.To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Section321. Put your name and e-mail address on

22. Location: blackstone,upper level, room 301

23. Modern languages       

24. Multimedia     

25. The Law Department

26. North Department

27. A cautious languages

28. F Generalization

29. G Summarizing

30. Final deadline to submit draft: 25th October


31.   Involve a large population

32.   Increasing participation

33.   It is important to know it is a long term trend

34.   Freedom entry to movie clubs

35.   Technological improvement on new materials/focus on the practical outcomes

36.   Close to the fashion

37.   A satellite TV can be promotional to uncommon sports

38.   C knowledge form the books may be restricted

39.   B newspaper do not respect to sport player’s privacy

40.   D show sport actions from different angles



大作文:Astechnology develops, online business meetings and business training increasingly rise. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?

本文固定链接: http://www.laokaoya.com/2504.html | 老烤鸭雅思-专注雅思备考

2018年1月20日雅思考试答案 老烤鸭独家解析:目前有5 条评论

  1. 0楼
    David Yang


    2018-05-29 00:28 [回复]
    • 老烤鸭


      2018-05-29 10:45 [回复]
      • David Yang


        2018-05-30 00:19 [回复]
        • 老烤鸭

          是的,那次海外考试人数不多,南亚和中南亚也有区别,回忆起来困难。我记得有学生反馈到小作文是饼状图,大作文是媒体是否提倡大力报道good news。其它细节回忆困难,只有耐心等待结果了,祝一切顺利!

          2018-05-30 17:08 [回复]
          • David Yang


            2018-05-31 23:46 [回复]


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