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小麦出口-雅思写作折线图(线状图)-雅思小作文范文 wheat exports 这篇雅思写作小作文要求大家比较 […]

小麦出口-雅思写作折线图(线状图)-雅思小作文范文 wheat exports



The graph below shows the differences in wheat exports over three different areas.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

小麦出口 雅思写作小作文题目


The line graph compares the quantity of wheat Australia, Canada, and the European Community exported between 1985 and 1990. Overall, the European Union’s wheat shipping increased over the time while Australia experienced a downward trend in its wheat trading. Although wheat exports of the three given areas have fluctuated, Canada had the most noticeable oscillations throughout the given period.


The European Union exported approximately 17.5 million tonnes of wheat in 1985 and the export fell below 15 million tonnes in the following year. Then, this article is from Laokaoya website, it increased to 15 million tonnes in the subsequent year and remained steady in 1988. EU’s wheat export surged in the next two years and in 1990 their wheat export was more than 20 million tonnes.


On the other hand, Australia’s wheat export in 1985 was the lowest, 15 million tonnes, among the given three regions. In the year that followed, the export improved with at least 1 million tonnes before it continuously declined in the subsequent years, hitting the lowest wheat export figure as little as 12 million tonnes in 1990.


Canada’s wheat export was the highest of the three given regions in 1985 with nearly 20 million tonnes. Next year, it decreased to about 17 million tonnes before it significantly increased in the following two years, reaching 25 million tonnes in 1988, the highest. However, in 1989, it plunged to around 5 million tones below its initial wheat exports figure in 1985 and settled to 20 million tones and the end of the period.



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