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雅思口语Part1范文答案解析:Picnic 野餐 Did you go on a picnic when y […]

雅思口语Part1范文答案解析:Picnic 野餐

Did you go on a picnic when you were a child? 你小时候去野餐过吗?

Yes, I did. I remember I had gone on picnics several times with my classmates and teachers while I was studying at primary school. You know, nearly every spring there was one chance for us to take our foods and beverages to the nearest mountain where we could dine together.


How often do you go on a picnic now? 你现在多久野餐一次?

Rarely. I remember, this year, I have only had one time of enjoying this kind of dinner. I was invited by a friend of mine who was having his birthday celebration near the beach. So, this article is from Laokaoya website, we brought our home-made food there to share, which was really a wonderful experience.


Where do you go on a picnic? 你去那里野餐?

Well, normally, we would go on a picnic at a park which is quite near to our campus because both my friends and I think that it’s the place where all of us can reach easily. But, if we have a lot of time, then we would go somewhere that’s farther and more interesting such as a beach where we could enjoy the cool breeze.


What is the difference between a picnic and cooking at home? 野餐和在家里做饭有什么区别?

I think the main difference is the experience of eating. You know, when you cook at home, you would usually enjoy the steaming hot food with various tableware. However, having a picnic means that you won’t easily get some foods with high temperatures as there aren’t such cooking utensils and stove that could allow us to keep them warm.



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