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2020年10月10日大陆雅思考试答案 对于今天的考试,大家的吐槽主要集中在听力上面。Part1一上来就考了个 […]





Part 1 信用卡办理


1-7 填空

1. Name: Murray Atkins

2. Address: 53 Green Street

3. Town: West Lake

4. Birthday: 18th September 1973

5. telephone: 98473321

6. type of ID: driving license

7. 透支最大限额:2000

8-10 选择

8. The 100 dollars is paid for

C. one year

9. there is an additional charge for

A. cash withdraw

10. Bonus credit is provided on statement of

C. three months

Part 2 科学中心介绍


11-15 选择

11. 该博物馆在planning stage主要用作什么?

A. research

12. what does this center share with other countries?

B. professional knowledge

13. what is the greatest problem concerning the choice of the site?

C. lack of soil

14. what information did the speaker give about the soil?

A. it is produced by new methods

15. what does the center reject as a way of presenting information?

B. detailed notice board

16-20 填空

16. 一个叫greenXX的东西从什么方面给人特殊的感觉:design

17. the center is open except for 2 days a year

18. the best time to visit the museum is after lunch

19. the center offers special facilities to the disabled, such as wheelcharis and special shuttle buses

20. for children between the age of 5 and 16, the fee is 4 pounds

Part 3 家族历史研究


21. How they will collect useful material for family histories

B. read relevant reading materials

22. What are the main subjects they interview

C. both males and females

23. which methodology used by the girl she felt most interesting

C. interviewing old participants

24. How can the female students trace her family information of her own

B. by contacting one relative living abroad

25. tutor的建议

C. she concerned too much about her own family information

26. the girl worried most about

C. her research may be too simplified

27-30 匹配

27. reference to family histories: E. varied

28. introduction: A. clear

29. methodology: C. detailed

30. conclusion: B. memorable

Part 4 知名导演介绍电影


31. When compared to painting or music, the movie lacks depth

32. Rely too much on famous actors

33. Applying techniques of light to cause a positive effect

34. Impose lasting influence on emotion for some audience

35. People will understand the purpose of the director through plots

36. When compared to character, modern films pay much attention to words

37. His film story resources have two levels, one is drama and the other is a myth

38. Films which are full dreams connecting to journey will inspire the audience

39. All his works have an underline family relationship

40. People will learn to accept all the life offers


2020年9-12月雅思口语机经 雅思口语Part1范文

2020年9-12月雅思口语题库 雅思口语Part2答案








Today, there are many tasks at home or work have been done by robots. Is this a positive or negative development?

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