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雅思阅读真题词汇 剑桥雅思16 Test 4 Passage 3 对待人工智能的态度 剑桥雅思16阅读第四套题 […]

雅思阅读真题词汇 剑桥雅思16 Test 4 Passage 3 对待人工智能的态度



剑桥雅思16Test4Passage3阅读原文翻译 Attitudes towards Artificial Intelligence 对待人工智能的态度

剑桥雅思16Test4Passage3阅读答案解析 Attitudes towards Artificial Intelligence 对待人工智能的态度


reluctant adj. 不情愿的

例句:She was reluctant to admit she was wrong. 她不愿承认自己有错。

attempt n. 企图,试图

例句:Two factories were closed in an attempt to cut costs. 为削减费用,关闭了两家工厂。

coincide v. 一致,符合

例句:The interests of employers and employees do not always coincide.

contradict v. 与…矛盾,与…抵触

例句:The two stories contradict each other. 这两种说法相互抵触。

plausible adj. 看似可信的,貌似有理的

例句:Her story sounded perfectly plausible. 她的说辞听起来言之有理。

bias n. 偏见

例句:Employers must consider all candidates impartially and without bias. 雇主必须公平而毫无成见地考虑所有求职者。

reveal v. 透露,揭露

例句:Details of the murder were revealed by the local paper. 地方报纸披露了谋杀的细节。

forecast n. 预测

例句:The forecast said there would be sunny intervals and showers. 预报间晴,有阵雨。

guidance n. 指导,引导

例句:Activities all take place under the guidance of an experienced tutor. 所有活动都在经验丰富的导师指导下进行。

treatment n. 治疗

例句:He is receiving treatment for shock. 他正在接受休克治疗。

suspicion n. 怀疑,疑心

例句:They drove away slowly to avoid arousing suspicion. 他们缓缓驾车离去,以免引起怀疑。

expertise n. 专业知识

例句:We have the expertise to help you run your business. 我们有帮助你经营自己业务的专门知识。

comprehend v. 理解

例句:She could not comprehend how someone would risk people’s lives in that way. 她不明白怎么会有人竟拿人们的生命那样去冒险。

anxiety n. 焦虑

例句:If you’re worried about your health, share your anxieties with your doctor. 你要是担心自己的健康,就老烤鸭雅思把你的忧虑告诉医生吧。

failure n. 失败

例句:The success or failure of the plan depends on you. 这项计划的成败取决于你。

manner n. 方式,习惯

例句:She answered in a businesslike manner. 她回答时显出一副公事公办的样子。

surveillance n. 监督

例句:The police are keeping the suspects under constant surveillance. 警方正对嫌疑人实施不间断监视。

modify v. 修改,更改

例句:The software we use has been modified for us. 我们使用的软件已按我们的需要作过修改。

superior adj. 优秀的

例句:This model is technically superior to its competitors. 这一款式在技术上超过了与之竞争的产品。

intricate adj. 复杂的

例句:an intricate network of loyalties and relationships 忠诚与义气构成的盘根错节的网络

雅思阅读真题词汇 剑桥雅思16 Test 4 Passage 1 罗马隧道

雅思阅读真题词汇 剑桥雅思16 Test 4 Passage 2 阅读习惯的改变

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雅思阅读真题词汇 剑桥雅思16 Test 4 Passage 3 对待人工智能的态度:等您坐沙发呢!


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