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雅思阅读真题词汇 剑桥雅思16 Test 4 Passage 1 罗马隧道



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vertical adj. 垂直的,直立的

例句:There was a vertical drop to the ocean. 至海洋有一段垂直落差。

interval n. 间隔,间歇

例句:The interval between major earthquakes might be 200 years.

excavate v. 挖掘,发掘

例句:The site has been excavated by archaeologists. 这个遗址已被考古学家发掘出来。

deviate v. 偏离,背离

例句:The bus had to deviate from its usual route because of a road closure. 因为道路封闭,公共汽车只得绕道而行。

encounter v. 遇到,遭遇

例句:She was the most remarkable woman he had ever encountered. 她是他所见到过的最出色的女性。

divert v. 转移,使转向

例句:The war diverted people’s attention away from the economic situation. 战争把民众的注意力从经济状况上移开了。

technique n. 方法,技术

例句:The artist combines different techniques in the same painting. 这位艺术家在同一幅画中把不同的画法结合在一起。

territory n. 领土,领地

例句:They have refused to allow UN troops to be stationed in their territory. 他们拒不允许老烤鸭雅思联合国部队驻扎在他们的国土上。

settlement n. 定居点

例句:The village is a settlement of just fifty houses. 这个村子里只住了 50户人。

route n. 路线

例句:Which is the best route to take? 哪一条是最佳路线?

surface n. 表面

例句:We’ll need a flat surface to play the game on. 我们得有个平面才能玩这个游戏。

lid n. 盖子

例句:I can’t get the lid off this jar. 我打不开这广口瓶的盖子。

slope n. 斜坡,坡度

例句:The town is built on a slope. 这座城建在斜坡上。

alternative n. 可供选择的事物

例句:We had no alternative but to fire Gibson. 我们别无他法,只有辞退吉布森。

penetrate v. 穿入,穿透

例句:The knife had penetrated his chest. 刀子刺入了他的胸膛。

inscription n. 铭文,题词

例句:Above its doors was a Latin inscription: Non omnia possumus omnes. 门的上方刻有拉丁文铭“人非万能”。

corridor n. 通道,走廊

例句:His room is along the corridor. 他的房间就在走廊边。

obstacle n. 障碍,障碍物

例句:A lack of qualifications can be a major obstacle to finding a job. 学历不足可能成为谋职的主要障碍。

mineral n. 矿物,矿产

例句:the recommended intake of vitamins and minerals 维生素和矿物质的建议摄入量

vein n. 血管

例句:Many veins are found just under the skin. 许多静脉血管就在皮肤下面。

quench v. 熄灭

例句:Firemen tried to quench the flames raging through the building. 消防队员奋力扑救大楼中熊熊的火焰。

harbor n. 港口

例句:The freighter tied up at a small harbor. 货船停泊在一个小港口里.

雅思阅读真题词汇 剑桥雅思16 Test 4 Passage 2 阅读习惯的改变

雅思阅读真题词汇 剑桥雅思16 Test 4 Passage 3 对待人工智能的态度

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