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雅思口语Part1范文答案解析:Helping others 帮助别人/他人 这里的others没有任何特定指 […]


雅思口语Part1范文答案解析:Helping others 帮助别人/他人


Do you usually help people around you? 你经常帮助身边的人吗?

Yes, I do. I frequently assist those around me with tasks that fall within my capabilities. I felt quite delighted when I managed to help them.


How do you help people around you, such as neighbors, family, and friends? 你如何帮助身边的人,如邻居、家人或者朋友?

When assisting people around me, whether neighbors, family, or friends, I make an effort to empathize and think from their perspective. I offer support based on their needs and preferences, be it with practical tasks, emotional guidance, or simply lending an attentive ear.


Do your parents teach you how to help others? 你的父母教过你如何帮助他人吗?

Well, my parents didn’t explicitly teach me how to help others; rather, I learned through practice and observation. Their actions and kindness served as a valuable model. This article is from Laokaoya website. By engaging in acts of kindness and empathy, I cultivated a sense of responsibility and a desire to contribute positively to society.


Did your parents help you a lot when you were young? 你的父母在你年轻的时候帮你很多吗?

Yes, they did. My parents were a tremendous source of support, especially emotionally, during my formative years. Whenever I faced challenges or problems, they provided guidance, comfort, and a listening ear. Their unwavering belief in me boosted my confidence and resilience.


What have you done to help the elderly? 为了帮助老年人,你做过什么?

As a volunteer, I have consistently provided physical assistance to the elderly residing in nursing homes on weekends. This includes helping them with everyday tasks like walking, getting up from chairs, or even engaging in light exercises. It’s immensely rewarding to contribute to their well-being and offer companionship.



本文固定链接: http://www.laokaoya.com/57672.html | 老烤鸭雅思-专注雅思备考

雅思口语Part1范文答案解析:Helping others 帮助别人:等您坐沙发呢!


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