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雅思口语part3: who are more popular in China, TV stars or […]

雅思口语part3: who are more popular in China, TV stars or movie stars


It is hard to say. Twenty years ago, the answer would definitely be TV stars. Back then, films had not become popular yet. Even though there were some cinemas in cities, their facilities were often quite poor and tickets were relatively expensive.  So few people went there unless it was for a date. By contrast, almost every family had a television. After dinner, family members would sit in front of the TV and watched some series. So they were more familiar with the TV stars. Now, the situation is different. Watching films has become a common leisure activity. From laokaoya website Children, teenagers, adults, and the elders flood into the cinema and enjoy the wonderful visual effects and sound quality.  As a result, the popularity of movie stars is increasing. But it is hard to tell whether they have exceeded the TV stars.


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雅思口语part3: who are more popular in China TV stars or movie stars 在中国电视明星和电影明星哪个更受欢迎:等您坐沙发呢!


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