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备考雅思口语Part One话题思路解析:Neighbour 邻居 邻居是个考得频次不多但是还很生活化的话题。 […]

备考雅思口语Part One话题思路解析:Neighbour 邻居


Do you know your neighbors?


I knew my neighbors when I was in elementary school, because we are so close to each other. But now, I am studying/working in an entirely new city and all my neighbors are unknown to me. Maybe because of the busy city life, we all have our own business to do, so we have little time to get to know each other.

Do you like your neighbors?


Yes, I think neighbors are good helpers, especially when I am not available at home to receive some package delivered from Taobao or some other online shopping platforms.

What do you think of your neighbors?


Most of my neighbors are very friendly, they give me some help whenever possible, but some are not so nice, espcially when we have to pay some bills for the water, electricity and something like that, some of them will think they will pay the money that is more than enough.

How often do you see (or talk to) your neighbors?

你多久跟你的邻居交谈一次?  P.S. 这里的邻居恰好是一篇话题需要你描述一位有趣的邻居 (点击查看), 多多准备。

Well, I talk to my neighbors just one or two times in a month, because usually don’t have so many things to share. Only when we have some troubles that matter to each one of us, we will probably have a talk to solve them.

When do you meet your neighbors?


I meet my neighbors every day, when I get home from work/school, I will meet them in our apartment building. Sometimes in the elevator or at the gate of our community, but we don’t talk too much, just some smiles to greet each other.

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