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雅思口语Part1范文答案解析:Talents 天赋 按照雅思官方字典的解释,talent的含义为:a nat […]


雅思口语Part1范文答案解析:Talents 天赋

按照雅思官方字典的解释,talent的含义为:a natural ability to be good at something, especially without being taught,即不经过教导就拥有的、天生擅长某事的能力/才能。换句话说,大家在回答这道题目的时候不一定非要想着自己的某项能力优秀到突破天际,只要在未经过专业培训的情况下比一般人好就行。

Do you have a talent or something you are good at? 你有什么天赋或者擅长的事情吗?

Yes, I am adept at singing. As long as I hear a song several times, I can re-sing it in a similar tone, which often amazes others. As a result, I am always the star in the karaoke bar. No matter who is holding the microphone, I can sing along.


Was it mastered recently or when you were young? 你最近才发现它,还是小时候就发现了?

I discovered this talent when I was in kindergarten. Back then, the teachers would teach us some nursery rhymes, and I always mastered them faster and better than my peers. This article is from Laokaoya website. Sometimes, the teachers would loaf on the job and ask me to lead the drill.


Do you think your talent can be useful for your future work? Why? 你认为这一天赋对你未来的工作有用吗?为什么?

It may be helpful to some extent, but not that much. After all, being proficient at singing can push me forward in relevant competitions organized by the company and leave a deep impression on my colleagues, helping me assimilate into the new environment. But that is all.


Do you think anyone in your family has the same talent? 你家庭中的任何人有同样的天赋吗?

Yes, I think I inherit this gift from my mother. She used to be the lead singer of her company’s chorus.  After retirement, she often sings alone in the park, and it usually takes less than 10 minutes before she attracts dozens of audiences.



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